How To Make Money In These Times – Real Conversations With Ambareesh Baliga

This is part of the Real Conversations Podcast, hosted by Ritu Kant Ojha, Author of Real Conversations in Digital Age & CEO of Proact Communications. The investors have never seen this kind of volatility in the Indian stock market. It has become almost impossible to predict the market as each day comes with a new surprise. However, there are several stocks that present an amazing opportunity to invest and make money in the long term. We discuss, how to filter out wrong advice, why large caps are considered relatively safer, is it advisable to sit on cash or invest etc.

In the last episode, we discussed some basics of stock markets in India. Taking it further from there, we are joined again by Mr Ambareesh Baliga. If you have missed the previous episode I will insist, you hear that as well to better connect the dots. Ambareesh Baliga is one of India’s leading stock market experts and has been tracking equity markets for over 35 years.